
Date 07/09/2015

By Shakira Hussain



I am so glad that I found DR. OLLY of the Home Of Ancient Spells when I did. The high priest is really a very powerful voodoo spell caster and his expertise in casting love spell is just outstanding. No one would stand him when he casts or breaks a love spell. I've chosen him because he is so caring and is always there when you need him. My former self would have been stingy with his contact details because I wanted this rare gem to myself but I have been thought by the priest to help others who are in need. I'd do that in my own little way by dropping contact details of the high priest.
Contact Home of Ancient Spells on E-MAIL:- homeofancientspells @ yahoo . com.
You can also contact me on my personal email on shakirahussain80 @ gmail . com if you want to know more about this spell caster and learn from my experience

Date 07/09/2015




How i got back my Ex lover by the help of Dr Shedi

My name is ALICIA CASEY from United State of America,i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back,i want to tell the people in the world there is a real spell caster online and is powerful and genuine, His name is Dr. SHEDI SPELL CASTER, He helped me recently to reunite my relationship with my boyfriend who dumped me, When i contacted Dr SHEDI he cast a love spell for me and my Boyfriend who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me. To anyone who is reading this article and needs any help Dr SHEDI can also offer any types of help like Reuniting of marriage and relationship, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, Spiritual protection and lot's more thanks once again wonderful man for helping me to bring my ex lover back to me,thank you,thank you again and again Dr Shedi, You can contact him Via this email:{

Date 07/09/2015




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Date 07/09/2015


Subject SPELL


GET YOUR LOVED ONCE BACK(ex). lost love spells, psychic, herbalist
healer, I helped people to solve their marriages, relationships and
love problems with my powerful love spell. I must humbly say that I
have a very high success rate for the following circumstances:
(1) Get your lost lover back(ex)
(2 )money spell
(3) you want to no if your partner is cheating on you
(4) Capture the heart of the one you love
(5) see what your future holds for you.
(6) To break a relationship and return to your lover
(7) Make the bond of love between you and the one you love strong and
(8) Marry the love of your life
(9) How to get scammer's and you want to recover you lost money.
(10) Divorce spell
(11) Make your business flourish
12)(Barrenness) if you are looking for a child
13) You want to be promoted in your office.

Date 07/09/2015

By Leon Hobbit



Hello to you all out there reading this testimonial of mine, i am Leon Hobbit, from Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I was infected with herpes virus for over six months, i was not myself, until i was on the internet searching for instant remedy. So luckily, i was reading a testimonial of a client who was cured of herpes too by the amazing spell caster named Dr. Okija, an ancient spell doctor from West Africa. I contacted him by email, and within 48hours, my herpes disease was cured up. All thanks to the superb Dr. Okija for his amazing healing spell. You can get in contact with him now by email:
Thank you once more great one! I will continue to testify of your goodness in my life.

Date 07/09/2015

By Leon Hobbit



Hello to you all out there reading this testimonial of mine, i am Leon Hobbit, from Cleveland, Ohio, USA. I was infected with herpes virus for over six months, i was not myself, until i was on the internet searching for instant remedy. So luckily, i was reading a testimonial of a client who was cured of herpes too by the amazing spell caster named Dr. Okija, an ancient spell doctor from West Africa. I contacted him by email, and within 48hours, my herpes disease was cured up. All thanks to the superb Dr. Okija for his amazing healing spell. You can get in contact with him now by email:
Thank you once more great one! I will continue to testify of your goodness in my life.

Date 07/08/2015

By Elizabeth Candra



My Name is Elizabeth Candra, am from United State, I want to let the world know about DR SUKU I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from HERPES VIRUS GENIAL,Living with HERPES VIRUS patient just like living in hell,and never knew i could get out of this hell until i came across testimonies of people whom surfing FOR HERPES VIRUS saying thing on the internet about how this great DR SUKU African traditional doctor cured their HERPES VIRUS GENIAL.Some other people said he also CURE HIV while others who has been healed from(Cancer lung) At first i thought those testimonies where one of those bunch of trash posted by scams on the internet. But because i was desperate and wanted to try anything and everything just to get well,This disease has been trying to circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor but not well,so i wrote to DR SUKU telling him about my HERPES VIRUS GENIAL he told me not to worry that he will help me to be cured, hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and herbal cure given to me by this Dr SUKU few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me, and suddenly after some time i was finally healed, friends i will advise if you have any sickness at all you can and you are that you have herpes patient please friends i will advice you to contact him now so that you can be cure on time his address: or call his Mobil number or you can add him true is what App:+234874839242

Date 07/08/2015

By Cynthia Johnson

Subject Thank God


Hello everyone, My name is Cynthia Johnson, a citizen of USA; am 32 years of
age.. I want to inform you all about the goodness of the lord for finally
leading me to a really and genuine loan lender named Mr Alvin Thomas, the
managing director of Alvin Thomas Finance Company after been scammed by other fake
lenders, i was hopeless and didn't know who to trust while he came and put
a great smile on my face at my greatest surprise. Anyone of you that have
also been a victim of scam, you should bother no more cause, i have bring you
good news and the only lender you can trust, just contact them now via
email: { } for more info on how to get your loan.
And once again thanks be to Mr Alvin Thomas for giving me a loan of
$20,000.00 USD...

Date 07/07/2015

By John

Subject how i got 2 things back thanks to dr bright


I had 2 issues my lover left me and my papers was about to expire.
we were married for 3 year and i had a temporary residence permit in germnay i was suppose to get my German passport the next year and she suddenly said she made a big mistake by marrying me. i felt dissapointed cus we had 2 kids i was wondering why the sudden change. i was frustrated because she moved out already with the kids.
i lost my job along the line because i could not concentrate at work.
The thought of my going back to my home land KENYA made me start my search and that was how i got scammed of thousands of Euro by fake spell caster and even friends in Germany until i finally met dr bright.
Dr bright brought her back and also instead of waiting for 1 hour the home office in freiburg gave me my german passport after 3 months.
i am a happy man today because of dr bright. using this post to say thank you to dr bright and also to make is contact go public for people who are in need of help. email or call him on:,cell phone: +2348111957679.
Name:John Mensah
Location:freiburg Germany

Date 07/07/2015

By Selena Comer



WOW!! This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experience and i need to share this great testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 8TH MATCH 2015, And i saw a marvellous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called DR MARVEL on the forum..I never believed it, because i never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. No body would have been able to convince me about magical spells, not until DR MARVEL did a marvellous work for me and restored my marriage of 6 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 24 hours just as i read on the internet..i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of words and joy, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR MARVEL you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.. here is his website: And his email or His telephone number +1 559 898 2962