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Date 07/23/2010
By Chinweoke Eke
Subject Maria Pia and her legacy to International grad females
ReplyI was the winner/recipient of the Maria Pia Gratton Fellowship Award for 2007-2008. Having moved from Nigeria, it saved me from fretting about student loans, grants etc. and enabled me to complete my education with top grades in a totally new environment. I have come back here to say "Thank you" again to Maria Pia and her family. In writing my essay, I feel like I got to know Maria personally and it is really sad that such a fabolus life and person is gone too soon. May she keep resting and dancing in a peaceful place forever and ever.
I worked for Pia and was her supervisor for a time in Illinois. Pia was a loving person, loving life, loving her family, loving her work. I remember giving Pia a picture of Italy once, and her smile lit up the room when she received it. I miss her.